About Us

Rescue Breaths strives to provide equal opportunities for everyone not matter what. We will always make an effort to facilitate our courses in a way that supports everyone and anyone to complete these courses and where possible make arrangements to give everyone equal opportunities.

Rescue Breaths offer a wide range of services which are listed on our services page to find out more.


I have loved working with Tom, one of the Lifeguards, he is concise with his knowledge which means he is able to provide expertise knowledge in a manner which allows any person to understand. I have particularly enjoyed the pool work which he has demonstrated in a fun way rather than a slow procedure if it was demonstrated just via the textbook. Tom has also helped to provide a safe environment for learning, he does this by using an open classroom for all opinions, thoughts and characters for all which are accepted. I think it’s important to learn about water safety as it’s such a common misconception that it’s unlikely something could happen when realistically anything could whether it’s a loved one or friend.

I heavily recommend doing this NLPQ course if you have just turned 16 and have never looked back since!

Thank you Tom and your team!

Alex Ruda July 2024

Join us on one of our upcoming courses.

I had Tom Fletcher for my life guarding course and he was fantastic! He laid out the course gradually over the five days and was very patient and concise throughout. He was also very open to arriving slightly earlier or staying slightly later for additional help, which many in my class found helpful. Would definitely recommend.

Kieran Morris July 2024